Dr. Costas Velis

Costas is Lecturer in Resource Efficiency Systems at the School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds. He coordinates the Circualr Economy & Resource Recovery network, as part of the Cites University Theme. His research portfolio focuses on innovation for closing the materials loop and recovering energy from secondary resources (wastes). He serves as Vice Chair for ISWA European Group and Vice Chair for the Waste to Energy Resource and Technology Council - UK. Costas is the recipient of many prestigious international awards for his research papers, including the ISWA Publication Award 2015 and 2013, the CIWM James Jacskon Award for 2015, and the ICE Thomas Telford Award for 2014.

He is published in leading academic journals, serves as Associate Editor of Waste Management & Research, and of Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, and regularly peer-reviews for other journals (e.g. Environmental Science & Technology, Waste Management, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, Habitat International). Costas is a Chartered Waste Manager, registered with relevant professional bodies (CIWMInstitute of Physics). 
